For this final week, we have a change to our normal home learning. You will not find the usual booklets on the class webpage.
Instead we have put together a summer holiday home learning booklet for you and a reflection booklet ready for moving to your new class.
The summer home learning booklet contains a range of activities to help keep you occupied over the next six weeks. You will find a variety of tasks linked to spellings, handwriting, reading, writing, maths and times tables. The reflection booklet is a great way for you to think about what you have achieved this year and goals to set yourself for next year.
Of course, there are no expectations for you to complete all of these tasks or try to follow a normal school routine during the summer holiday. If you have some spare time and are not sure what to do, we are here to help you with some suggestions. It is an extra resource for you to have at hand if needed. It will though be a great way to keep your skills up ready for a new start in September!