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The St Denys Captivating Curriculum


Alongside academic excellence, at St Denys Primary School we want our children to grow

to be confident, happy, resilient, kind people. As a small school we are proud to be able to provide a nurturing environment where every child’s individuality is celebrated and developed. We teach children how to understand their feelings and emotions, explore their own beliefs as well as understanding and celebrating the beliefs of others. Behaviour across the school is excellent as we teach our children to be intrinsically motivated using a ‘growth mindset’ approach. We believe that children should take ownership of their learning, through our Learning Powers (Resourcefulness, Resilience, Reflectiveness, Reciprocity and Respect – see below). All our pupils learn how they can achieve more and be successful.


Our curriculum is designed for sustained mastery. It meets the expectations of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Curriculum and is inspired by the principles of Chris Quigley.


We have designed the breadth of our curriculum with the following goals in mind:


  1. To give pupils appropriate experiences to develop as confident, responsible citizens;
  2. For pupils to be resilient, independent learners who display a thirst for learning
  3. To provide a rich ‘cultural capital’;
  4. To provide a coherent, structured, academic curriculum that leads to sustained mastery for all and a greater depth of understanding for those who are capable.
  5. For pupils to have high aspirations for the future and know that these can be reached

   through hard work and determination

    6. For pupils to be well prepared for the next phase of their education and their later life.


You can read more about our overall curriculum design below.  You can also find out much more about our curriculum and the activities that pupils complete by following our Class Dojo pages, speaking to the class teaching team and attending our Celebration of Learning events.

What and how does your child learn at school each day?

Our approach to learning and our curriculum is summarised in this table. Click on the pdf link below to download the full document. Continue scrolling on this page to find more detailed information about each curriculum subject and what children learn in each year group at St Denys Primary. We also provide half-termly 'Curriculum Updates' for parents and carers with everything their child will be learning in that half-term. which can be found on our class pages here.



Learning Powers

At St Denys Primary School we believe that all children have a right to achieve and follow a ‘growth mindset’ approach to learning where anything is possible. We believe that if everyone learns ‘how to learn’ they can achieve more. From Reception onwards children are taught to develop their five ‘Learning Powers’ of respect, resilience, reciprocity, reflection and resourcefulness. They use these learning skills across the curriculum and beyond. To help the children understand these skills we use our five St Denys Learning Power Characters.

St Denys Curriculum in detail

Click on the links below to find out more about the St Denys curriculum for each subject, including what is taught in each year group. 
