Regular and punctual attendance at school is vital if your child is to make good progress. Individual certificates are awarded to celebrate good attendance plus other rewards.
The school expectation for each child’s attendance is at least 97%.
If your child is absent from school for any reason please telephone or contact the school office before 9:30am on the first day of absence. Direct contact will be made with you after this time.
If your child has to leave school for a hospital, doctor or dentist’s appointment please let the school know as early as possible beforehand; a verbal request from a child will not be accepted. A child will only be allowed to go if a parent collects them, or an appropriate named adult.
Leave of Absence during Term-Time:
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 which govern school attendance were amended from September 2013. The amendments make it clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless it is for exceptional circumstances only. Head teachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.
If parents wish to have a leave of absence considered in exceptional circumstances they must fill in the relevant form for the Headteacher to consider. The Headteacher’s decision is final. If parents do not agree they may either write to the governing body or contact Southampton City Council.
St Denys Primary school, in line with both Southampton City Council’s attendance policy and the revised guidelines, makes it clear that;
Any parent who takes leave of absence in term time without prior agreement with
the Headteacher could be liable to a penalty notice and fine. Further details can be found in our Attendance Policy which is on the school website.
The school meets regularly with the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer. Any child whose absence is causing concern either because of unauthorised holidays, attendance that is below 90% or regular odd days off will be highlighted and discussed. Persistent absentees will be referred on the the Education Welfare service.
Please co-operate by keeping children who have had sickness or diarrhoea away from school for AT LEAST A DAY in order to make sure they are better.
When your child is absent because of an infectious illness please consult the following NHS Healthier Together information, or contact the school office: