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House News



We have 4 houses Titanic, Carpathia, Habana and QE11. They are all named after important Southampton ships and were formed by pupils. Each House has a colour and is linked to our Learning Powers characters.


TITANIC is RED and linked to Resilience - Rebecca Flooks


HABANA is BLUE and linked to Reflection - Edith Smedley


CARPATHIA is YELLOW and linked to Reciprocity - Lily-Rose Cole


QE11 is GREEN and linked to Resourcefulness - Jo-Jo Fishlock


We encourage the children to take pride in being in their House and they wear House colour T-Shirts for P.E. They also gain House Points to recognise great learning and behaviour.




Each House has a House Captain  who are from Year 6 and have been chosen by staff in recognition of being a consistently good role model for other pupils. They have a lot of responsibility in the school and independently run whole school House Assemblies each month which they create and organise. They also take responsibility for collecting House Point totals from each class and giving out House Point certificates ( see our Behaviour Policy for more details).





