'Creativity, Communication, Choice, Challenge,
Achievement for All'
At St Denys Primary we believe that every individual has the right to achieve and we will learn and work collectively, in partnership with parents, families and the community to make sure this happens. We recognise that in an ever changing, technological world we are preparing children for the unknown. We want to ensure that we give them the knowledge, skills and understanding they will need to enable them to make positive choices in their life and to be confident, happy, successful citizens both now and in the future. We realise that learning is about today as well as tomorrow.
We will provide:-
A commitment to high expectations
An open door policy where everyone is trustworthy and approachable
Consistency in all we do
Teaching that is inspirational, flexible, inclusive and challenging
Learning that encourages choice, initiative and flexibility
A creative curriculum that is experiential, meaningful and reflects diversity
A safe, happy and stimulating environment that promotes risk taking
Adults that act as positive role models
A culture of mutual respect where everyone is valued for who they are
A learning culture where communication and reading are priorities
Developing our Learning Powers drives everything we do:-