For this final week, we have a change to our normal home learning. You will not find the usual booklets on the class webpage.
Instead we have put together a summer holiday home learning booklet for you and a reflection booklet ready for moving to your new class.
The summer home learning booklet contains a range of activities to help keep you occupied over the next six weeks. You will find a variety of tasks linked to spellings, handwriting, reading, writing, maths and times tables. The reflection booklet is a great way for you to think about what you have achieved this year and goals to set yourself for next year.
Of course, there are no expectations for you to complete all of these tasks or try to follow a normal school routine during the summer holiday. If you have some spare time and are not sure what to do, we are here to help you with some suggestions. It is an extra resource for you to have at hand if needed. It will though be a great way to keep your skills up ready for a new start in September!
Hello and welcome to Class 2's school closure page. As schools are still not fully open, we will be keeping you updated on this page with learning activities and ideas.
Here is the joint booklet for Year 1 and Year 2 for this week. You can download it below or you can collect a printed copy from the school foyer.
You also have a separate booklet that includes some phonics and number challenges for the week. Again, you can download it below or you can collect a printed copy from the school foyer.
July 6th Answers!
I have included the answers, where possible, so you can check your own answers afterwards. No peeking!
June 29th Answers!
I have included the answers, where possible, so you can check your own answers afterwards. No peeking!
June 22nd Answers!
I have included the answers, where possible, so you can check your own answers afterwards. No peeking!
June 15th Answers!
I have included the answers, where possible, so you can check your own answers afterwards. No peeking!
I have included the answers, where possible, so you can check your own answers afterwards. No peeking!
We will still be using our Class Dojo page as a way of communicating and sharing things so do please keep posting on there with all the wonderful things you have been up to.
If you prefer to try some online lessons, then check out BBC Bitesize for a range of daily activities. The online lessons appear daily so check out the schedule below to see what is going to appearing soon.
New lessons and resources are provided each week. You can either follow the daily suggestion or pick and choose lessons that are of interest to you.
Unfortunately schools are not yet open for Year 2 children.
As all the teachers will be in school doing different jobs for now it does mean we need to make a few changes.
Every morning I will still be saying 'Hello' on our Class Story page of Class Dojo. You will be able to ask me any questions or just tell me about what you have been up to! As I will be in school, remember I might not be able to respond straight away. You will still be able to post things to your Class Dojo portfolio and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
The 5 English tasks, 5 Maths tasks, 5 Topic tasks, spellings and basic skills/ mental maths activities with learning activities, ideas and resources for this week are here. The home learning booklet for June 1st is also available for you to collect from the school entrance. We will keep you informed when there are any further changes.
Week beginning June 1st 2020
Task 1 |
Task 2 |
Task 3 |
Task 4 |
Task 5 |
English |
Using exclamation marks. |
Book Club: Cake |
Robot Letters. |
There’s an Octopus Under my Bed! reading task. |
Days of the Week. |
Maths |
Symmetry. |
Using a Venn Diagram for sorting. |
3D shape. |
3D shape. |
Challenge Day! |
Topic |
Introduction to Australia. |
Basic Forces. |
Jam Jar instruments. |
Animal Alphabet. |
Bird Survey. |
Week beginning May 18th 2020
Task 1 |
Task 2 |
Task 3 |
Task 4 |
Task 5 |
English |
Using phonics to develop vocabulary. |
Who Lives Here? Poem writing |
We are Writers. |
A Winter Parcel reading task. |
Zig zag letters. |
Maths |
Adding and subtracting. |
Adding two-digit numbers. |
Bonds to 100. |
Sorting 2D shapes. |
Challenge Day! |
Topic |
Introduction to Asia. |
Animal Groups. |
Simple Designs. |
Drawing and Painting. |
Musical Instruments. |
Task 1 |
Task 2 |
Task 3 |
Task 4 |
Task 5 |
English |
Create a comic. |
What an Exciting Night reading task. |
Vocabulary though phonics. |
Long ladder letters. |
Reading session: Cyril and Pat. |
Maths |
Part whole fact families. |
Comparing number sentences. |
Number facts. |
Add and subtract two-digit and one-digit numbers. |
Challenge Day! |
Topic |
Introduction to Africa- Nigeria. |
Introduction to Europe- France. |
Parts of a plant. |
What is computer code? |
Patterns. |
Task 1 |
Task 2 |
Task 3 |
Task 4 |
Task 5 |
English |
We Are Writers. |
Writing sentences. |
Minibeast Fact file. |
The Selfish Giant reading task. |
Funnybones. |
Maths |
Recognising Coins. |
Using coins to make an amount. |
Compare amounts of money. |
Ordinal numbers. |
Challenge Day! |
Topic |
Materials. |
Floating and sinking. |
Neil Armstrong. |
Body Percussion. |
Robots! |
Task 1 |
Task 2 | Task 3 | Task 4 | Task 5 | |
English |
Writing and aking questions. |
Aliens Stole My Underpants reading task. |
Using adjectives. | Comparing stories. | Rhymes in Poetry. |
Maths |
Find one more and one less. | Counting in twos, threes, fives and tens. | Counting tens and ones. |
Showing numbers up to 100 in different ways. |
Challenge day! |
Topic |
Andy Goldsworthy style picture. |
The UK. |
The seasons, day and night. |
Paint a Pebble. |
Obstacle course. |
Please do whatever you can at home. If you would like to include some structure and daily routine to your day you could try following this home learning timetable.
9:00-9:30 Exercise
9:30-10:15 Select your first task – English, Maths or Topic
10:15-10:45 Break time – have a snack, read a book, do some colouring or play a game
10:45-11:30 Select your second task – English, Maths or Topic
11:30-12:00 Maths Basic skills task
12:00-1:00 Lunch time!
1:00-1:45 Select your final task – English, Maths or Topic
1:45-2:15 Spelling task or handwriting
2:15-2:45 Reading - Take some time to just enjoy your book!
As always it would be great to see what you have been doing at home so please share anything to your Class Dojo portfolio if you are able to. If you need any help just ask me a question! I would love to help!
A printed booklet will also be available for you to collect from the school office every week if you would like one. The booklet contains a selection of English, Maths, Topic, Spelling/handwriting tasks and basic skills maths tasks. You may find having the printed booklet easier if you are having difficulties accessing the internet at home. There is no expectation that you need to complete both the booklet and online tasks. Here are the booklets for you to see.
During your time at home it is really important for you to stay fit and healthy. Even if you are indoors more than usual try doing some daily exercise to keep yourself active. Try an interactive workout with Joe Wicks every weekday morning at 9 o'clock. You could get some family members to join in with you!
Keep reading!
The most important thing you can do at home is read, read and read!
You could read one of your own books or explore some of these sites to read an eBook online.
You can find lots of lovely interactive books to read online here and watch story time videos.
Check out the free eBook library at Oxford Owl. Just click on My class login and enter the following to start.
My class name: stdenys
Password: pupil
Reading Eggs are currently offering a 30 day free trial to all their programmes at the moment. Just follow this link to sign up – maybe try the spelling and eBooks section.
Try and practise some of your spelling words each day. You can use look, cover, write, check as well as having a go at using some of them in sentences of your own.
Here are some Maths tasks and activities you might like to try at home with your families. You do not need to complete them all. Choose any you would like to try! I would love to see how you get on with them.
Have fun trying the tasks and activities. Remember to share what you have been up to on Class Dojo.
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Hoare