Hello and welcome to Year 6's page for 2023-24!
In Year 6 you will find Mr Howard and Mrs Ionescu. You will also find Mrs Watson supporting us on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, and Mrs Andrews supporting different maths groups on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Mr Fielder teaches PE on Tuesday afternoons and also teacher Spanish and RE on Friday afternoons. Mrs Clarke teaches Music on Tuesday afternoons!
Please remember that PE is on Tuesday and PE kit should be worn to school, in your child's house colours.
Home Learning will be handed out every Friday, to be handed back in by the following Thursday. We have Home Learning club in the classroom every Thursday lunchtime for anyone who would like to complete it there instead.
Please remember to check Class Dojo regularly, for daily and weekly updates and reminders. Certain key information will still be posted on here, such as half-termly curriculum updates.
I can usually be found easily before or after school if you need to speak to me, or you can contact me via the messaging function on Class Dojo, or of course you can arrange a longer meeting with me if you need one.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you and your children really well this year!
Best wishes,
Mr Howard and the Year Six Team
Curriculum Updates
Each half-term, I will post a curriculum update on what we will be learning for that half-term. Please click the links to download a PDF.
The curriculum updates will give you an overview of the learning; for more detailed information about any subject, please come and speak to me.
I will also post a weekly update about what we've been learning that week on Class Dojo, at the end of each school week.