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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1laugh

In Class 1 you will find Miss Davies, Miss Sahid and Mrs Short. We are really looking forward to a fantastic year together. You can find out more about what we will be learning this year by reading the curriculum newsletters which will be posted each term on this page.

Class Dojo

Day-to-day class updates and information are posted on Class Dojo. Please let us know if you need help to access Class Dojo. 


In Class 1, PE is on Wednesdays and Fridays. Thank you for making sure your child has a PE kit in school. 


Home Learning

In Year 1 we put a strong focus on children reading. We would like to ask that the children are read with at home at least 3 times a week, short (5-10 minute) regular sessions are great. Accessing BugClub regularly will also help the children to recognize the phonics sounds to be able to read and form words. Starting in Autumn 2, we will send home a short writing activity based on an image which will be sent home on Friday and be due in on Thursday. 


If you have any questions or worries through the year, please talk to us. We love to chat! You can catch us at the door at drop off & pick up or send us a message on Class Dojo.

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1

Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2

Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1

20 Books to read in Year 1
