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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2



In Class 2 you will find Mrs Hoare (Monday and Tuesday), Mrs Smith (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday), Mrs Lynch, Mrs Adams and Mrs Short.


We are all really looking forward to welcoming you back to school and seeing all your smiley faces in YEAR 2 and hearing about all the wonderful things you have been doing during the summer holiday.


This is going to be a happy and exciting year and we can't wait to see all the things you are going to achieve.



Please remember to bring a water bottle and a book bag with your name on. Fruit will be you can have a snack at break time.



Our PE day in Year 2 will be on Thursday.


Please ensure your child has a named PE kit in school with appropriate footwear. PE kit is black or grey shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings and a tee-shirt in your house colour. If your child wears earrings please make sure these are removed for PE days or taped up before coming to school. 



Home Learning

Home learning will start in Year 2 next week. You will receive a Home learning activity booklet and a Home Learning book to bring into school each week. Each week the children will complete a couple of activities together at home. You will be able to post any home learning you complete in your Class Dojo Portfolio or return it to school. We will give you more details about home learning next week.
