Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Class 1!


In Class 1 you will find Ms. Bandey (Mon & Tues), Mrs. Andrews (Wed - Fri), Ms. Ford (Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri) and Mrs. Sherliker (Wed). 


Welcome to Summer 2, the final half term of the year!


Our new project is 'Amazing Animals' and we are very much looking to our visit to Marwell Zoo on Wednesday 15th June. 


You can find out more about our work this half term by reading the curriculum update below. You will also find this term's home learning booklet below.  

If you or child have any questions or concerns, please do contact us straight away so we can help. You can chat to us in the morning when you bring your child to school or send a message on Class Dojo. 


We will post regular updates and information on Class Dojo so please make sure you check it regularly - if you are having any problems with Class Dojo let us know so we can make sure you can access it. 

PE will usually be on Tuesdays but please make sure your child has their PE kit (plain house-coloured t-shirt, shorts / leggings / joggers and trainers) in school every day as there can be opportunities for additional PE through the week. 


Children also need to bring their book bag (with reading book & reading record inside) and a water bottle to school every day. Please make sure all your child's belongings are named (especially jumpers!) as it really helps stop lost property. 


There is an expectation that your child completes home learning every week - please see the booklet below for suggested activities. 

Thank you for your support, 

The Class 1 Team

Summer 2 Homework Booklet
