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Music Ideas

Hello everyone,


Below is a link to a beautiful song composed by Jo Downs and sung by her daughter Emily (primary school age).  It is all about returning to school in these different times. It is well worth a look and there are lyrics with it so you can sing along.

Best wishes

Mrs Clark




Below is a News Letter full of activities with a Samba theme.  Well worth a look!  Samba is a type of music from Brazil.  Lots of different rhythms are used in Samba played on many percussion instruments such as drums, shakers and agogos.

There are links in the News Letter below with samples of Samba music including a clip from the film Rio,  and suggestions of what you could use at home instead of drums and so on.


Here's a pattern of Samba music that we learnt in school .

Music Club on Class Dojo


Great news! we now have a Music Club on Class Dojo.  It has lots of activities such as making shakers and guitars out of junk.  Anyone can join,  it is open to all year groups smiley


Remember to send in your videos or pictures of you playing the Ukulele or enjoying other music activities posted below.


Mrs Clark

Ukulele Lesson 3: Chord F

How to play Chord F on the Ukulele

Lesson 2 - Chord C, A Sailor Went to Sea

Lesson 2 - Chord C, A Sailor Went to Sea

Lesson 1 - My Dog Has Fleas

Lesson 1 - My Dog Has Fleas

How to Tune a Ukulele

How to Tune a Ukulele

Hi Everyone,


Below are some fun music activities form our friends Southampton  Music Services, using the Dr Who theme tune. You don't need any instruments for these activities as they involve some listening and drawing.  Have fun.





Hope you are all well and had a lovely Easter Holidays.


I've added another Ukulele video for those of you that have them at home.  If you would like to buy a Ukulele they are available on Amazon in a range of colours!


On this page I've also put in a couple of links with some fun music activities that you can do, no instruments required!


Why not keep in touch with me using Class Dojo and send me some photos learning the Ukulele or doing other music activities? I would love to hear from you.


Take care, Mrs Clark


Fun music activities KS1 and KS2
